Thursday, July 26, 2007


June and july have been busy months, Artist weekend at the end of June, then a 2 week holiday to the west coast. now catching up in my studio.
have been working on more tea pots for a show in the gallery. will posts pictures later.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I've been getting some work done in the studio, it's hard to walk across the yard in these cold January days. These are 2 of my newest pieces, I want to master the harder things - like lids and spouts, i love the challenge of making them fit just right.
I started teaching a beginner pottery course at the Morden Art Gallery, monday was my first night. It was fun! it's a great group and they where enjoying it so much i had a hard time getting them to quite and clean up - LOL. I am so glad i have a group so ready to get thier hands dirty.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Yesterday Richards cousins from B.C. came for a visit, we had a wonderfull time. Thier children where on snow mobiles for the first time, so i think they had a good time to. Wish they lived closer, they are so much fun to be around. Sherry knows my love for pottery and found some in her area, a Chinese potter - and she brought me this beautiful tea bowl! The decorating on it is amazing. It gave me some new ideas on carving dragon fly's instead of using wax resist.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

We had a great trip in Nov. We had a 16 day road trip and drove 9400 km, the highlights where New Mexico and Arozona, so beautiful! Took a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon, toured Carlsbad Caverns, Zion national park, Hoover Dam.........and much more.

When returned home it was time to dive into Christmas. I made my niece a quilt - had her name in the Christmas draw we do every year. She really liked it. I will post a picture of it.
I used the pattern out of the Stack a Deck book that i borrowed from Joyce, it's a very easy quick quilt to make but it looks sharp.

Now i have slowly been getting back into the studio and throwing more pots. I have a renewed energy. Also now have had allot more interest in glazes. Till now i have been only interested in shape and form and now that i am getting that i am starting to want to experiment with glazes. So i can hardly wait to fill the kiln with pots that will have new colors

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Last night was the opening for our show "Little Things" at the Mordern Art Gallery. It was amazing, i blown away by how many people came to take a peek and support us! I am so blessed to have so many wonderful friends! I am so inspired - i want to dive back into my studio and work! near the end of putting this show together i was tired, stressed and thought i would never get my stuff ready. But now after seeing all of our hard work displayed so well - thanks to Margi, she is so amazing in so many ways, i couldn't have done it alone. Through this last year when we would got together and work on these "little things" we had lot's of laughs, we are alike in so many ways and yet so different. Margi plans her work on paper before she starts a project and has a vision. I just pick something up and start working at it - if it works out fine and if not i scrap it and start over.
She did these monsters for the show - she had children draw pictures of thier monsters under the bed and then she made these monsters in fabric and displayed then in and under a crib at the show, they are exactly like the drawings the children did. She had the drawings beside the monsters. i don't have a picture of them right now but when i do i will post a picture.
It was a great evening!
now i will relax for awhile - we are leaving on Friday, taking a road trip south somewhere, not sure where the roads will lead us yet but we need a break.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Had 2 tables at the Morden Craft Fair today - i'm exhausted! The turn out was not as good as last year. Not as many buyers this year, I heard there where more craft sales today in other towns - to many events overlapping in one day. I didn't do to bad but not as good as i expected, but i came home with less than when i went there so i guess that's good. At least i earned enough money to pay for the first tank of heating fuel for my studio.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

one of my sets ready for the show at the gallery
I've been very busy! Unloaded the kiln today - and this is one of my showpieces for the show at the Gallery Nov. 10
I have about 2 more glaze loads to fire and then i can relax, well at least untill i pack it up to take to the events.
Also been busy with cleaning my house, everything got out of hand during harvest, i was on the field allot and my house got left behind. It was very overwhelming, Margi found an add in the paper about someone who does house organizing. I gave her a call and she has been here 3 times, we are going through the house room by room and closet by closet. She is wonderful!! We have 3 rooms left and then everything should be gleaming!

I'm having trouble loading the picture - will try again later